The Green Screens
By Kristian and Olav

About us
All over the world, there are changes in the climate that hurt the animals that live there. Our mission is to spread awareness of this problem and spark change.
This project got made by combining two hobbies that me and my friend has. I like coding and my friend likes editing videos. I code when I’m bored and like learning new things, he edits and makes small skits. We have a TikTok channel and also a youtube channel where we post our videos. We hope that this spreads awareness of the climate and makes people do something about it.
About endangered animals
According to the IUCN red list, around 25% of mammals and over 40% of amphibians are endangered. Every day the rainforest grows smaller and smaller for space to make palm oil for foods and cosmetics. The rainforest is home to a lot of species and should be protected. Many poachers hunt African elephants to extinction.
To help stop animal endangerment you can:
-Be generally more green.
-Make sure that the products you buy don’t hurt the environment or animals.
-Donate money to charities that are known to help endangered animals.
-Tell your friends and family about this problem and that they have a role in helping to stop this problem.

Our channels on tiktok and youtube with more information.
